Nansen Center for Peace and Dialogue NCPD
By facilitating dialogue in divided communities, NCPD helps build bridges across ethnic, cultural, political and social divides. Experience proves that targeted efforts are required overtime to develop strategies and tools for preventing, managing and transforming conflicts. The centre is located at the Nansen Academy in Lillehammer, Norway.
Empirische Medienforschung und politische Kommunikation EPMK
The research group EMPK deals with (public) communication about socially relevant problems like climate change, energy turn, migration, corona crises, and digitalisation in education. The focus of the research group lies in the investigation of reception (media use and media effects) as well as on the analysis of the media content related to these phenomena.
As such, the research group analyses these foci with broad methodological expertise, such as representative panel-surveys, qualitative and quantitative content analysis and qualitative interviews.
For more information click here.
International Student Festival in Trondheim ISFiT
ISFiT is the world’s largest international student festival, taking place every alternate year in February in Trondheim, Norway. It has been organised every second year since 1990, gathering students from all over the world for ten days of dialogue, cultural events, workshops and more. The next festival takes place in February 2021, and will invite students from different backgrounds to discuss the theme “Creating Knowledge”.
House of Resources Thüringen
The “House of Resources Thüringen”, a project of jipi gUG (Jugendintegrationsprojekte Ilmenau), is implemented in cooperation with the migrant organization MOVE e. V. in Erfurt, the ASB Kreisverband Sömmerda e. V. and schrankenlos e. V. in Nordhausen.
As a “House of Resources Thüringen”, they support migrant organizations as well as other organizations, initiatives, associations and volunteers in the field of migration and integration at our project locations and throughout Thuringia.
The House of Resources Thüringen team has supported us with several events, like dialogue trainings or dialogue programmes. They are funded by the German Federal Ministry of the Interior and the Thuringian Ministry for Migration, Justice and Consumer Protection