Dialog & Diskussion zum Krieg in der Ukraine

Der Krieg in der Ukraine beschĂ€ftigt die Menschen und ruft Fassungslosigkeit, Trauer, Wut, Entsetzen und viele weitere GefĂŒhle hervor. Es gibt GesprĂ€chs- und Zuhörbedarf und bestimmt auch den Wunsch zu diskutieren/debattieren. Wir möchten all das ansprechen und den Menschen eine sichere Plattform fĂŒr Austausch geben, …

Dialogue Program on COVID-19 Pandemic

  During 4 days our participants, students of TU Ilmenau, were learning about dialogue, practiced active listening and the art of asking good questions. Three dialogue sessions on different topics within the pandemic were facilitated by IDC members. The program took place from 25 to …

Apply for Dialogue!

Dear all, We, the Ilmenau Dialogue Center, which is a project based at the Initiative Solidarische Welt Ilmenau e.V. (ISWI e.V.) seek to inculcate dialogue as means for enhancing mutual understanding, conflict transformation and peacebuilding. As trained dialogue facilitators we would like to invite you to …